Justin Kerson: A Take On Art
Justin Kerson earned his BFA in Studio Arts from Humboldt State University in 2005 with a minor in Botany under Dr. Stephen C. Sillett. After working as a Master Grower specialized in hydroponic engineering, Kerson curated Divinity Tree Dispensary in San Francisco, California (2006-12) while consulting privately for industry clients in California, Alaska, Oregon, and Nevada. He founded Tools of the Trade (TOTT Global) in 2009 to bring together his interests in visual art and cannabis by producing environmentally responsible cannabis-themed merchandise, including classic games featuring dice, dominoes and jigsaw puzzles designed by artists such as Anthony Ausgang and Claw Money.

In 2010, TOTT Global launched Turkey Bags, an oven bag cookware line, which sold to Left Coast Hydro, a top U.S. hydroponics company, three years later. In 2013, Kerson went on to curate Blum in Oakland, and in 2014 he launched Tools of The Trade SF, a wine and weed branding agency. Just last year, in July 2018, he founded the Purple Bucket Project, a recycling and waste-disposal company combatting environmental damage occasioned by the production, use, and sale of cannabis. The Purple Bucket Project recycles vape cartridges with a dispensary drop-off program for repurposing.
Kerson’s branding clients have included i His street art documentary starring Ron English debuted at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. He has curated cannabis and art themed/related events for Miami Basel, St. Jude Children’s Hospital (New York), Burning Man (Nevada), and RVCA on Haight St. (San Francisco). From concept to product to marketing, Kerson offers creative problem-solving, expert knowledge, and proven experience for clients seeking to maximize efficiency while distinguishing themselves through exceptional products and innovative branding.